When it comes to business, I am all business; I know that I am representing not only myself, but my employer, as well. While I like to keep a wall of separation between my personal and professional lives, I know that every wall has cracks through which the climbing vines do grow. Rather than patch those holes with mortar, I choose to cultivate what shows through them.

A Google search will not reveal much about me (and that is by design), so on this page I invite you to peer through the cracks in my wall, to get to know me as a whole person!

Do Not Listen to This Podcast

I have been a guest a few times on Roger Wilkerson's Do Not Listen to This Podcast show. Unedited, uncensored, and unabashedly me! Roger has the ability to make me laugh out loud - and that is not an easy accomplishment. It is when I am laughing that I am at my most comfortable; if you can make me laugh, you will have found a way through my wall.

I am an occasional contributor to Roger's Cr@ppy Life Coach video series, appearing in character as "Fallur the Hot Mess". My latest contribution, still in the earliest development stages, is "Speed Talks" - humorous one-minute videos that impart knowledge that you didn't know you needed.

I have a few signature hashtags, but #mustlovedogs is the one I use the most. Dogs are loyal and loving to a fault; I believe that how you treat them tells the world a lot about who you are. 

Ironically, I only own cats: a grey tabby who knows, without a doubt, that she is the center of the universe, and a buff tiger who thinks he is a Labrador retriever...and the tabby's Samwise Gamgee.

"You can't have a little grace. You either have grace or you don't."

Congrats if you recognized the Seinfeld quote that is the headline!

I am frequently told that I am the picture of sophistication and grace; I have enough self-awareness not to believe the hype. I do, however, come from a long line of "Best Dressed" women - several generations long - and I do not want to be the one to break the chain. I continue it to honor my late mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother. 
Are you really LOLing?
I possess a very dry sense of humor, having spent my life as the straight person to my brother's comedic wit (he is truly the funniest person I have ever met).

It takes a lot to offend me; I subscribe to the philosophy of Hanlon's Razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. However, I will call you out if I think you are not being entirely truthful (left) or if your humor is dependent upon the denigration of others.

In such situations, I have the ability to say what others wished they had said, to be able to use humor to call someone out for bad behavior while diffusing the situation with a minimum of drama. It is one of my favorite talents.