I spend a lot of time networking with the media, communicating with Journalists and Publishers in order to develop mutually beneficial opportunities and business relationships. In plain language: they get a story and my employer gets free press.

This profile was featured in the Special Report section of the July 29, 2023 Wall Street Journal. Demetria Gallegos (the author) was amazing to work with, and I was happy to have the opportunity to honor my late Mom for her influence and her sacrifices in raising me. At the request of my (now previous) employer, I left the company name out of the profile.

For those of you who can get past the paywall, here is a link to the digital story:

For those of you who do not subscribe to the WSJ, here is a pdf of the print article, via Google Docs:

If you are not comfortable downloading, a blow-up photo of my profile is below: